2024 Twilight Golf League
The LLESA Golf Networking Group, conducts a summer ‘Twilight’ league at Las Positas Golf Course, consisting of 16 weeks of 9-hole tournaments for both teams and individuals, running concurrently.

These weekly rounds run from the first week in May to the last week in August. Rounds are played on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday afternoons with start times between 4:00pm and 5:30pm.

The TGL Summer League has become VERY popular!

I believe the reason TGL is so popular is because all LLESA members with varying golf skills can participate in the same golf competition. There is a team event and individual competition that runs concurrently for 9 holes. The competition is handicapped and flighted so players of all skill level can participate.

Anyone can form a team. The members must be LLESA members, their immediate family, or LLNL retirees.  LLNL sub-contractors are LLESA members.  Sandia employees are also welcome.

Contact Larry Wichter (925-423-0104) if you are new to TGL, interested in playing or starting a team.
Use the 'Contact Us' form for any questions.

Returning players and teams will get precedence for registration.

New players should either talk to existing captains, if you know someone, or fill out the 'Contact Us' form and we will get you on a team.

Returning players should simply contact their team captains to get on the roster.

We are scheduled to start league play this year on 5/7/2024.

Registration is now open.  You can form teams, and new players can register their intention to play using the 'Contact Us' form.

The entry fees for 2024 are the same as last year:
Thank you,

Larry Wichter, Director, Twilight Golf League
tgl-directors@llnl.gov, 925-423-0104
TGLResourcesTee TimesPairingsScorecardResults

TGL 2024 Payment is now open.
You may sign up, form teams, and communicate with

NOTE: Each click on 'buy this' adds another registration to your 'cart'; please check for duplicate registrations before checking out.

I am signing up for Twilight Golf League:

New Player?: Y[   ] No[   ]

Name of Team Captain: 

Individual Competition?: Y[   ]  No[   ]

Thank you

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New players or returning players with changes to contact info, please complete your registration using the 'Contact Us' form with the following Message:
$52 - Team registration, paid once by team captain.  Costs are shared by team members.
$11 - LLESA Golf NG administration fee, for players who are not already club members of LLESA Golf NG (visit our home page if you are interested in joining the club).
$50 - Optional Individual Competition, paid by each player who wants to compete.